Tool design

During designing periods, our designer and tool expert discussed and confirm the mold layout together to have all in one step. CREA have 15 designers, young, creative and rich experience in mold design, combine with using advance software like UG、CATIA、CIMATRON、AUTOCAD、MOLDFLOW MPI, we can offer total solution service from new product development into mold manufacturing by providing concept design, structure design, prototype, inspection and verify method.

The owner of CREA has been working with USA and Europe customer as a tool designer, project manager for more than 14 years, so we absorbed their advance design concept and put into our design standard. We strictly design the mold according to the design standard, so we are not going to miss the details. And details make things perfect.

Good design makes good mold at good quality, CREA’s designer and engineer perform this as a core value for all of our mold design, to make sure our customer have high quality molds always.